How long does the Rainbow software exist?

Rainbow is the new name of the software packages of Blu Dots Technology, by name: Salary Manager, iPay en iEmployee. These packages are on the Surinamese market since 2003.

Which company owns Rainbow?

Blu Dots Technology owns Rainbow. Blu Dots Technology is a leading ICT company in Suriname.

Which companies are using Rainbow payroll?

Rainbow is the leader in Suriname in the field of payroll software (or the former iPay en iEmployee). For referecens go to references.

What happens if I want to stop using Rainbow?

At the end of the contract, a customer can choose to stop our services. The customer can make an export of all relevant data or request a digital delivery.

How is the number of active employees calculated?

This is done by the total number of employees wit an active payslip at the end of a payment period. 

Where is Rainbow Payroll hosted?

Rainbow is hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). This is one of the biggest data providers in the world.

How secure is my data in the cloud?

We use an Oracle database hosted by Amazon Web Services. We have built in various security features. Communication is over an encrypted connection via a SSL certificate. The data is backed up daily to another server. Some of our customers have conducted an audit. We took over the recommendations of these audits and improved both our internal procedures and our application. Although there are always risks of working in de cloud, we think they are not higher than working on-premise. ICT employees in your own organization no longer have unlimited access to data. We ensure that data is always backed up, the latest antivirus software has been installed, the latest security patches of all software have been rolled out and we are actively working to minimize security risks.


Some of our customers have had an audit performed. We included the recommendations that emerged from the audits in further sharpening up our internal procedures and improving the application. Although there are always risks when working in the cloud, we think these are no higher than when working on-premise. IT employees in your own organization no longer have unlimited access to data. We ensure that data is always backed up, the latest anti-virus software is installed, the latest security patches of all software are run and we actively work to minimize security risks.

What is Rainbow?

Rainbow is a Human Resource Management (HRM) software that improves the workflow of the HR department in a company. Rainbow contains all the necessary functionalities of an HR software package.


Address: Henck Arronstraat 16
Paramaribo-Suriname (SA)
Phone: +597 424073
+597 424093
E-mail: info@rainbow.sr

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Webdesign and development by Bit Dynamics